what a beautiful morning.
i can't believe my parents live here.
while growing up we would pass this piece of land, which was bare and only sand dunes. it was an upper-middle class area. our family were pretty lower class, living in the small town of QUILLOTA that my mother also grew up in.
(my parents just left to visit my grandmother at the very same house my mother lived in as a child - we lived just around the corner on the same street.)
i'm preparing my gear for bolivia. i leave on a 6:00am flight, which means i have to leave the apartment here on the coast in riNaca at 2:00am in order to make the flight on time.
i'm having trouble finding an easier way of transferring my footage from a canon 7D SLR camera to my computer. i forgot to buy a flash card reader while i was still in canada so i have do it the ol' fashion way, camera to computer. its important that i put away the gear properly so that when pablo (sound) and ben (camera) arrive on the 15th they have everything they need to shoot. i will be returning from bolivia on the 21st, giving them some time alone with my father so they can film him calm in his environment without me buzzing around. i try to do this as much as i can, all thanks to allan king.
his approach was that of a producer (like a music producer), not director, in 1950's when he worked for the CBC making documentaries. for me, this was the quintessential "filmmaker." playing the role of producer and director, making sure that all parties involved in the very delicate subject matter were all comfortable and at ease with the intrusion of a camera and sound person.
shortly after a shoot this year i was able to attend allan king's memorial in toronto. people spoke very kindly, with tasteful humor, about his rich history. i was mostly moved by former subjects of his documentary which spoke about him with a lot of love and kindness. you could sense his level of generosity by the way they spoke of him. although i got to meet him for a short time, just before he passed on, i feel profoundly connected to his approach and owe a lot to his legacy and what he left us.
chile en mi corazon.
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