Last night's dream(s) were so grande and visceral that I had to write something about it. It mostly revolved around this man who appears in Spike Lee films. A comedian named "Red." In my dream I'm traveling - more like backpacking in the southern states. At this point I'm in Texas and my friend Guillermo and his kids were also doing the same independently.
One afternoon as I'm taking a nap they leave for another leg of their adventures, using the cabin I had rented for a month as a sort of home base. (I assumed they were going to New Orleans because his kids are the most wonderful music nerds.) So in my sleep inside my dream I go see a one man show that stars Jim Carey at the local theatre. As soon as I walk into the first balcony, from the corner of my eye I spot "Red" in the audience. My eyes light up as I realize who this man was. Sitting with a bouquet of beautiful ladies that I ignored, my body b-lines to get Mr Red's attention. At this point he is talking it up with everyone in these bleacher like seats, waiting for the show to start. (For some reason, in this dream I am shorter then usual.) As I approach him he turns to look at me and gives me the same look of "where are have you been all my life" as I was giving him. I introduce myself and his harem of women make room for me to sit beside him. The lights go down as we're knee deep in profound conversation about performance art - hanging off his every word.
Pitch black - the show began.
It was the strangest and most magnificent display of visual storytelling I had ever witnessed and all through the body of Jim Carrey. It had a Willy Wonka meets Alice In Wonderland aspect to it but more. It was as if the Cheshire Cat had grown into a man and become the creepiest, most delightful storyteller you had ever seen. I kept smiling and turning to Red - his eyes were even larger then mine in amazement. It was evident that we were both witnessing something the world had never seen before. After the lights went up I sat there and just couldn't believe the show I saw.
As the show ended we got up from our seats and stumbled to the exits in awe of what we had just experienced. On the streets of a small town in 1950s Texas, we walk back towards the cabin I was renting. On the way home I ran into just about everyone I had ever known but engaged in very little conversation because of how engrossed I was in mine and Red's interaction. Smooth and softly we glided down the streets, like a small breeze that just kept getting softer with each step. Nothing could break this bond, we were invincible to the world. As we finally reached the playground of the cabin (it was behind a school) a gush of wind picked me up several inches off the ground. Red pulled me down by my coat and kindly warned me "You better watch out kid. That storm will blow you out." I nodded but before I could turn away from him I heard my sister Paulina scream in the distance "It's coming. The hurricane is coming!" I stood there calmly smiling with Red thinking that even if I died that day, I would be leave the earth a happy man - I finally got to meet my main man Red. He started to walk a little faster towards the cabin and I followed behind. Suddenly Red turns around with his deep voice and yells "Watch out kid!" I looked behind me and this big ball of wind picks up my feet and tosses me into the air. What felt like a lifetime was probably only seconds. I hit black. The same black I usually feel when I would faint after a blood donation. I wake up on the couch of the cabin with Red holding a warm cloth to my forehead. "He's awake! You okay kid? We thought you were a goner." "I'm okay Red... I'm okay." I close my eyes again and hit the same black. I wake up. This time at the same cabin but in reality. Sad that it was all a dream Guillermo and the kids come home while I clean the house. They join in on the cleaning as I proceed to tell them about dream. When I get to the part about the hurricane there's a knock at the door. I open it and a tall black man takes off his top hat and smiles at me. Its Red! In my real life dream - Red is at the door!
Guillermo see's my face and is confused at what's going on because the man at the door is exactly the person I described in my dream. I almost drop to my knees in thanks for letting the dream not be fake. I welcome Red in and he asks me how I am feeling. Shortly after, the door bell continues to ring and more people I know start to flood the cabin with music and chatter. Finally when the house is well over its capacity and I am brimming with joy. I suddenly start to get sad at the idea of waking up from all of it.
I take one look at Red and we smile.
I wake up.
(I just realized that this is the comedy in Bamboozled that I was visualizing but Red was the name given to Malcolm X when he was a young boy - another Spike Lee film.)
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