here's an excerpt from a letter that i sent to my friend laurel:
"things in CHILE are interesting to say the least. politically, there is no emergency to change the country because their ship isn't sinking... yet. change only happens when the boat is practically under water. the country isn't sailing without problems but its no where close to the US's financial crisis but they are well on their way... LATIN AMERICAN countries always have less to lose. this new president is nothing different then the one who was running against him. the papers may tell you different but both candidates lack ideals and have a none-inspirational platforms with system that REALEMENTE needs to change.. the educational and health care system is still in shambles and private as ever. BACHELET, CHILE's first female president, did very little considering her party was THE SOCIALIST PARTY OF CHILE. she ran it like any neo-liberalist would... very very safe with very little change. there is some hope with a young candidate that got 20 percent of the country's vote in the first round. there is potential but i do fear for CHILE's future. (as i've spoken before) like a drunk alcoholic uncle, CHILE doesn't know that it is truly sick and in need of some help. the irony is that the president that just got elect is the multi-billionaire who brought THE CREDIT CARD to CHILE in the late 80s. he is directly responsible for the general population's unmanageable debt. practically all my uncles at one point or another, and i have lots, borrowed money from my father because of how badly in debt they were. some still owe him large amounts. they spend money that they don't have and they spend a lot. we're not talking poor peasants here who live day to day, these are seniors employees of the CHILEAN work force; engineers, doctors, lawyers and dentists. the NEW MONEY here isn't actually money, its credit. a horrible virus that nobody gives attention to because, quite honestly, there are far worse problems in the world then a gluttonous CHILEAN's debt. what is worse; long term cancer that can be treated easily or full blown AIDS? that's where i think CHILE is compared to the rest of third world.
i'm sure you get the idea."
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